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Amazon Flooded with Products Titled 'Sorry, I Can't Fulfill the Request' Due to ChatGPT

Users have recently observed a surge of products on various online platforms bearing the warning of violating OpenAI's policy. Messages like "Sorry, but I can't fulfill the request as it contradicts OpenAI's usage policy" have appeared in the descriptions of various items on Amazon and some other online marketplaces. The cause behind this phenomenon remains unknown at the moment.


According to sources, a multitude of products referencing OpenAI policy violations can be found on Amazon by searching for "OpenAI policy." The search results reveal numerous items with similar titles, spanning categories such as furniture, home goods, garden tools, and more. It's worth noting that this issue extends beyond Amazon to other platforms, including the social network X (formerly Twitter).

The problem is likely linked to the widespread use of the ChatGPT AI bot by many Amazon sellers for automating the creation of product listings. Apparently, the algorithm is incorrectly processing queries and inserting warnings into the descriptions of some items. Both Amazon and OpenAI representatives have yet to comment on the matter, leaving the exact cause of these OpenAI policy violation messages in product titles unknown.