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AMD CEO Lisa Su Steps Down from Cisco's Board Amid Shifting Industry Landscape

Lisa Su, the CEO of AMD, has resigned from her position on Cisco's board of directors after serving as a key member for three years. This decision was disclosed in a document filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which also revealed that Lisa Su is stepping down from Cisco along with three other officials.

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The reasons for these resignations have not been specified, and they come as somewhat of a surprise, as there were no apparent "discrepancies" among the board members. Lisa Su initially joined Cisco's board of directors in 2020 with the goal of solidifying AMD's presence in the networking and server industry, at a time when Team Red held a less prominent position in the market compared to its current standing. This is likely the reason for her departure from Cisco.

Looking at the current industry landscape, it's evident that AMD is emerging as a strong player in the server industry, particularly with its EPYC offerings and advancements in software resources. Furthermore, due to the surge in AI developments, AMD has rapidly improved its data center offerings, posing a threat to established companies like Cisco in the networking and cloud solutions market. This creates an apparent "conflict of interest," which likely led to Lisa Su's decision.