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U.S. Government Transfers $2 Billion in Bitcoin for Just $1.48, Showcasing Cryptocurrency's Benefits

In a recent financial maneuver, the U.S. government transferred an enormous amount of Bitcoin, valued at approximately $2 billion, incurring only $1.48 in fees. This transaction inadvertently highlighted Bitcoin's capability to move large sums of money efficiently and with minimal cost.

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These Bitcoins were confiscated from Silk Road, an illegal online marketplace shut down by the government in 2013, which used Bitcoin for its anonymous transactions involving illicit goods. In 2022, the government seized a large stash of Bitcoins from an individual linked to this site.

Thus, when the U.S. government moved a portion of these confiscated Bitcoins worth around $2 billion, it did so with an astonishingly low transaction fee of $1.48. This act underscored one of Bitcoin's primary advantages: the ability to transfer substantial amounts of money with very low transaction costs.