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IGN France's Controversial Review Sparks Outrage, Issues Apology to Stellar Blade Creators

IGN France recently faced backlash over a game preview that criticized the design of Stellar Blade's main character, questioning the designer's understanding of female appearance. The backlash was swift, with gamers highlighting the character's basis on a real model, challenging the publication's critique.

IGN Frances

Following the uproar, IGN France edited the controversial passage but stopped short of acknowledging a factual mistake, maintaining the stance that their original comments were misunderstood. The modification did little to quell the discontent, leading to further accusations of incompetence and bias.

Consequently, IGN France issued a formal apology to SHIFT UP Corporation, the developers behind Stellar Blade, insisting that they had no intention to offend. However, the gaming community remains dissatisfied, feeling that the publication has not fully owned up to its misstep. The incident underscores the importance of careful editorial standards and respect for the work of game developers.