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The Day Before" Publisher Offers Full Refunds Regardless of 2-Hour Limit

The publisher of "The Day Before," Mytona, has announced a collaboration with Steam to offer full refunds to players disappointed by the game's catastrophic launch. This statement came shortly after developer Fntastic announced its closure, citing the game's financial failure. Since its launch on December 7th, the game faced criticism for not living up to its MMO promises, along with bugs, lack of originality, and intentionally slow game progression.


"The Day Before" initially attracted a large player base, peaking at over 38,000 concurrent players, but quickly lost most of its audience, with a more than 87% drop in player count. The game was removed from Steam sales, and out of 201,076 copies sold since launch, 91,694 were returned, indicating a staggering 45.6% refund rate.

Mytona apologized for the game not meeting most players' expectations and announced working with Steam to offer refunds to any player, regardless of playtime. Fntastic added that they received no funds from the game's sales.

This event has become a significant topic in the gaming community, sparking widespread discussion among players and analysts. While some express sympathy for the developers, others accuse them of deception and failing to deliver on their promises.