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The Scandalous Exit of Unity's Head: How Mr. Richitello Left the Game

And here comes our hero, Mr. John Richitello, who made a name for himself as the head of Unity, finally deciding to take a step aside. This man with a double stint at EA, where he gladly took money from gamers for bullets in Battlefield, is now wrapping up his tenure at Unity.


As soon as news of his departure broke, the company appointed James M. Whitehurst as the interim leader, who, by the way, has quite the track record with IBM. And Rulof Bot, who was previously an independent director on the board, now takes the helm as the chairman of that very board.

It's intriguing to wonder how John Richitello will spend his days because after this high-profile exit, he remains with the company as a consultant. Perhaps he'll be offering advice on how to make even more money from gamers? It seems to be his specialty!

And, of course, one cannot forget the scandal that accompanied his departure. Unity stirred the anger of developers by wanting to charge an additional commission. However, after a public outcry, they quickly had a change of heart.