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Ubisoft to Unveil New Star Wars Outlaws Trailer Ahead of Schedule

Ubisoft, a leading game developer and publisher, will unveil a new story trailer for its anticipated game Star Wars Outlaws next Tuesday, April 9, at 9 AM Pacific Time (6 PM Central European Time), two months before the planned Ubisoft Forward event. This early reveal is fueling rumors of a possible imminent release for the game.

Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws, developed by Massive Entertainment, is capturing the attention of not only Star Wars fans but also gaming aficionados. Ubisoft's previous releases, like Assassin's Creed Valhalla and Far Cry 6, indicate that the company typically releases trailers shortly before the game's official launch, hinting at a potential near-future release for Star Wars Outlaws.

Given the significance of May 4 as Star Wars Day, an early release of the game would seem fitting, yet for major releases, an extensive marketing campaign is usually required. Furthermore, the recent classification of the game in countries such as South Korea, Australia, and Brazil suggests that the project is ready for launch.

PC specifications have been confirmed: Star Wars Outlaws will support advanced NVIDIA technologies, including DLSS 3, RTX Direct Illumination, and Ray Traced Global Illumination, ensuring a high level of visual fidelity and performance.