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Upcoming Tomb Raider Set in India, Features Open World and Lara on a Motorcycle

Crystal Dynamics is preparing to release a new entry in the Tomb Raider series, which will be presented on Unreal Engine 5 and published by Amazon with the goal of creating a multiverse that includes games, movies, and series. According to leaks from insider V Scooper, the new installment will offer an open world where Lara Croft will travel by motorcycle and parachute. The game's release is scheduled for less than a year from now.

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In the game, Lara will compete with the Society of Raiders for artifacts of the ancient Emperor Ashoka, which were uncovered following a natural disaster in northern India. Players will have new non-lethal combat options and the ability to recruit allies to assist in missions. This opens up new strategic possibilities in the game.

Rumors suggest the game might be unveiled at this summer's Summer Game Fest with an anticipated release window in 2025. The next major event by Geoff Keighley is scheduled for June 7 and will be streamed from the YouTube Theater in Los Angeles.