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Gaming Conversion of NVIDIA's CMP 50HX GPU Fails to Impress Due to Technical Limitations

An attempt to repurpose NVIDIA's CMP 50HX, a GPU originally designed for crypto mining, for gaming has fallen short of expectations. Tests reveal subpar FPS performance, hindered by restricted PCIe lanes and a lack of proper driver support.

msi nvidia cmp 50hx

Despite similarities in specifications to the high-end GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, the use of unofficial drivers to bypass software limitations has led to a significant performance drop. Experts advise against such practices due to the resulting poor gaming experience.

NVIDIA, which had been focused on the cryptocurrency market, is now shifting its attention to AI and other technologies, leaving the future gaming capabilities of AI-dedicated GPUs like the PCIe H100/H800 or A100/A800 a matter of speculation.