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Intel's Promotional Video Unveils Glimpse of Next-Gen Xeon Processor

Intel inadvertently revealed glimpses of its next-generation Xeon processor in a promotional clip. While the video was promptly removed, details about the chip, potentially from the Sierra Forest or Granite Rapids lineup, are now under the tech community's radar, thanks to preserved screenshots.

intel new

At the Hot Chips 2023 conference, both Sierra Forest and Granite Rapids chips were showcased, boasting a modular architecture promoting stellar scalability. Notably, user Wild_C attempted to gauge the chiplet sizes, theorizing that the compute chiplet is approximately 578 mm² and the I/O chiplets are around 241 mm². Intel, however, hasn't confirmed these figures.

Amid myriad guesses and speculations, it remains a mystery as to which lineup this processor belongs—Sierra Forest or Granite Rapids. But, considering core counts and other factors, the odds favor Sierra Forest.