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Firmware update for ASUS ROG Ally console leads to a decrease in gaming performance.

Asus ROG Allyin Cikis Tarihini ve Ayrintilarini Duyurdu oyundijital 800x450

Users of the ASUS ROG Ally handheld game console encountered a problem after installing the latest firmware version 319. Instead of the promised improvement in low power consumption performance, users experienced a worse gaming experience. Foreign media reports that the console's power consumption even reaches 25W in some cases.

ASUS has acknowledged the issue and advises users to refrain from installing this firmware update. Those who have already updated are forced to wait until the developers identify the cause and fix this problem. However, users who wish to revert to a previous firmware version may experience difficulty using the ASUS EZ Flash tool.

ASUS is currently actively working to resolve the issue to provide users with an improved gaming experience on their ROG Ally handheld console. It is recommended that you follow the official updates and instructions from the manufacturer for the best console experience.

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Despite the current firmware update issues, the ROG Ally console still offers a wide range of gaming experience and portability for users, we hope that ASUS can resolve the issue soon to ensure customer satisfaction.