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Cities: Skylines 2 Developers Unfazed by Performance Woes, Prioritize Post-Release Fixes

Believe it or not, the creators of Cities: Skylines 2 aren't losing sleep over the fact that not all players are thrilled about their game's performance hiccups. In fact, they've decided to skip the delay and go straight for the release of their city-building strategy game, with plans to fix the technical glitches afterward through patches.

Colossal Order, the masterminds behind Cities: Skylines 2, seem to think that not everyone is bothered by a laggy or less-than-stable gaming experience. So, they've taken a bold approach: release first and patch later.

Currently, the development team is laser-focused on achieving a modest goal of 30 frames per second, ironing out any in-game hiccups, and optimizing visual effects.

While the game supports FSR1, it doesn't always deliver picture-perfect results. That's why Colossal Order is diligently working on rolling out FSR2 and DLSS post-launch.