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Cities: Skylines 2 Performance Issues Not Related to Citizens' Teeth, Developer Clarifies

A recent update surrounding the performance issues in the much-anticipated game, Cities: Skylines 2, clarifies that the detailed rendering of citizens' teeth is not to blame. Following the game's launch, a widely circulated Reddit post suggested that the game's performance hitches were due to the rendering of highly detailed teeth of the in-game citizens, lacking Level of Detail (LOD) implementation that would otherwise reduce model quality at a distance, and hence, affecting the game's frame rate​.


However, Colossal Order, the developers behind Cities: Skylines 2, debunked this rumor stating that the teeth rendering has nothing to do with the game's performance issues​. The clarification came amidst growing concerns among the gaming community, with many looking for ways to enhance the game's performance and stability without waiting for official patches. The developers continue to work on patches to address the performance issues, emphasizing that frame rate is not a crucial aspect for this city-building strategy game, but rather the gameplay experience.

Colossal Order's statement aimed to put to rest the rumors and assure the players that they are actively working to improve the game's performance. The detailed rendering of citizens' teeth was a unique feature but its impact on performance was misinterpreted by a section of the gaming community.