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First patch for Cities Skylines 2 brings optimization and hope for performance improvements

Cities Skylines 2 by Paradox Interactive, which received negative feedback due to technical issues on launch day, begins its journey towards optimization with the release of the first patch 1.0.11f1. Users complained about low frame rates and poor optimization, which made the gaming experience less enjoyable.

DALLE 2023 10 26 23.30.48 Photo of a virtual cityscape from Cities Skylines 2 showing detailed buildings roads and infrastructures with an overlay of the text Patch 1.0.1

In response to the issues, the developers released a patch that includes optimization of fog, global illumination, and depth of field. The levels of detail have also been reworked, which should make the game more stable at high resolutions. Additionally, the patch addresses the optimization of "stuttering" (lagging) during construction or improvement of buildings, as well as in other game systems.

The initial responses from players indicate that patch 1.0.11f1 indeed improved the game's performance, although there's still a long way to go to reach an ideal state. This is a first step towards optimization, and the community is hopeful for more performance enhancements in the upcoming updates.