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Grand Theft Auto VI Fans Believe They've Identified Lucia's Actress - Ana Espósito

The fan community of the Grand Theft Auto video game series has potentially uncovered the identity of the actress who portrayed the character Lucia in the highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto VI. They speculate that Brazilian-born actress Ana Espósito played the role, based on several indirect clues, including geographical location and physical resemblance to the character.

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Ana Espósito, known to reside in New York where Rockstar Games' motion capture studio is located, adds weight to the fans' theory of her involvement in the project. Furthermore, her absence from social media is interpreted by fans as a possible consequence of a strict non-disclosure agreement related to her work on the game.

Adding to this theory is Espósito's participation in the series "Law & Order," which also featured actors involved in other Rockstar Games projects, including Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption II. This connection raises the possibility of her collaboration with the game studio.

According to IMDB, Ana Espósito has not been involved in any projects since 2019, suggesting her commitment to a long-term project like Grand Theft Auto VI. Additionally, her private social media page with a limited number of posts and followers could indicate past activity and a subsequent reduction in public presence