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Grand Theft Auto VI Set for Release on February 18, 2025, According to Insiders

Multiple insiders, as reported by Metro News, have indicated that the highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto VI is expected to be released on February 18, 2025. Insider Nuro, known for accurately predicting the debut trailer's month for GTA VI, pinpointed this specific date. This information is corroborated by another insider, JarlOfRivia, who has predicted the game's release in the first quarter of 2025, likely in January or February.

gta vi protas

These insights align with Bloomberg journalist Jason Schreier's earlier speculations, suggesting that the sixth installment of the acclaimed crime action series by Rockstar Games could hit the market in early 2025. This convergence of predictions strengthens the anticipation that the next chapter in the Grand Theft Auto saga will soon be available to fans, continuing the legacy of the blockbuster series.