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Rise of the Ronin by Team Ninja: Critique and Comparison with Ghost of Tsushima

Rise of the Ronin, developed by Team Ninja and released under PlayStation Studios, has garnered mixed reactions from the gaming community. While the title received generally positive reviews, it failed to surpass the studio’s previous projects in terms of average ratings. Its comparison with Sucker Punch’s Ghost of Tsushima has particularly sparked debate.

From its initial showcases, Rise of the Ronin was often pitted against Ghost of Tsushima, with comparisons not always favoring the new title. Following its launch, players had the opportunity to scrutinize both games, especially as PlayStation exclusives. A detailed analysis by YouTube channel ElAnalistaDeBits covered various aspects such as character models, vegetation, weather, water, NPC behavior, and combat animations.

Team Ninja emphasized dynamic combat in Rise of the Ronin, but the game fell short in several areas compared to Ghost of Tsushima, despite nearly four years since the latter’s release. The comparison highlighted challenges in matching the level of detail and environmental authenticity that Ghost of Tsushima achieved, illustrating the high bar set by the predecessor in the samurai action genre.