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Star Citizen Reveals Impressive Engine Features at CitizenCon 2953

During the CitizenCon 2953 event, Cloud Imperium Games, the development studio behind Star Citizen, showcased the latest features of the game's engine. Following the presentation, a new video was released to the public.

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The video, spanning almost 30 minutes, offers a detailed look at space, planets, cities, ships, flora, fauna, and more. Additionally, it highlights close-up object details, special effects, the destruction system, and other intriguing elements.

Star Citizen, directed by Chris Roberts, the creator of Wing Commander, combines elements of the cooperative shooter Squadron 42 and an MMORPG. The game is built upon a heavily modified version of CryEngine 3, promising high-quality graphics.

The release date for Star Citizen remains uncertain, as the game is currently in its alpha testing phase.