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Cyberpunk 2077 Update Mystifies Players with Bizarre Homeless Donations

The ongoing saga of fixing Cyberpunk 2077 has taken an unexpected twist, leaving players perplexed by an unusual change involving in-game homeless characters.

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After the most recent update, something rather peculiar has happened in Cyberpunk 2077's economy. What used to be a modest donation to a homeless character can now result in surprisingly large sums.

One player, who goes by the username Robecoyote, recalls previously donating 5-20 in-game currency. However, thanks to a new scaling feature in the economy, the game's protagonist, V, can now end up contributing tens of thousands.

For instance, Robecoyote accidentally gave away 45,631, which is five times more than what they were recently paid for a job (with several million in their possession). The player is understandably frustrated, considering these substantial donations to be strange and immersion-breaking in the world of Cyberpunk 2077.