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Electronic Arts in Turmoil: Staff Cuts and Studio Shutdown Reflect Strategy Missteps

Electronic Arts (EA), a renowned video game developer and publisher, is currently under scrutiny due to significant internal changes and public criticism. Reports reveal a drastic 5% reduction in workforce, resulting in approximately 670 layoffs. Amid these developments, EA has also announced the closure of Ridgeline Games, the studio tasked with developing a new single-player campaign for the upcoming Battlefield game.

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The internal shifts extend beyond job cuts. EA is reevaluating its development strategy, moving away from external franchise projects to focus on strengthening its own game IPs and series. Despite these adjustments, development continues for titles linked to popular franchises such as Iron Man and Black Panther.

The decision to discontinue an anticipated Star Wars project by Respawn Entertainment has exacerbated criticism towards the company. This decision has disappointed the gaming community and raised questions about EA’s strategic planning and resource management.

These actions reflect deeper issues within EA's management and strategy, causing concern among investors and the gaming community alike. The impact of these changes on the company's future and its product lineup remains uncertain.